Hereditary ATTR (hATTR) amyloidosis—a family condition
hATTR amyloidosis is passed down through affected family members and is an autosomal dominant condition, meaning a person only needs to inherit one copy of the affected gene from one parent in order to develop the condition.
More than 120 different TTR gene mutations * have been discovered
- The most common mutation is Val30Met and people with this mutation often initially present with polyneuropathy
- Another mutation, Val122Ile, is common in people who initially present with cardiomyopathy * mutations may vary by ancestry, country, or region

Symptoms may vary widely among people with hATTR amyloidosis
Within your family, each person who develops the condition may experience different symptoms, even if he or she has the same mutation.
Although hATTR amyloidosis is a hereditary condition, some families may be unaware of a history of the condition in their family.